Stockton University – Manahawkin Campus
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- Stockton University – Manahawkin Campus
Manahawkin, NJ 08050 United States Get Directions
Why Study the Holocaust?
Stockton University - Manahawkin Campus 712 East Bay Avenue, Manahawkin, NJ, United StatesFour-part Stockton Institute for Lifelong Learning (SILL) course on Wednesdays at Stockton University- Manahawkin. 712 East Bay Ave, Manahawkin NJ 08050 Join Pearl “Peppy” Margolis as she discusses Why the Holocaust?Topics covered in Part 1: Defining Terms about the Holocaust,Prewar Jewish Life in Germany, Nazi AntisemiticIdeology and Propaganda, Nuremburg Laws, andKristallnacht. This course will […]
AI Technology: Stockton Center on Successful Aging Workshop
Stockton University - Manahawkin Campus 712 East Bay Avenue, Manahawkin, NJ, United StatesA workshop presented by the Stockton Center on Successful Aging at the Stockton University Manahawkin campus (712 East Bay Ave, Manahawkin NJ 08050) The artificial intelligence workshop for older adults is designed to introduce AI technologies in a simple and accessible way, helping participants understand and use AI tools in their daily lives. The workshop […]
Why Study the Holocaust?
Stockton University - Manahawkin Campus 712 East Bay Avenue, Manahawkin, NJ, United StatesFour-part Stockton Institute for Lifelong Learning (SILL) course on Wednesdays at Stockton University- Manahawkin. 712 East Bay Ave, Manahawkin NJ 08050 Join Pearl “Peppy” Margolis as she discusses Why the Holocaust?Topics covered in Part 1: Defining Terms about the Holocaust,Prewar Jewish Life in Germany, Nazi AntisemiticIdeology and Propaganda, Nuremburg Laws, andKristallnacht. This course will […]
Why Study the Holocaust?
Stockton University - Manahawkin Campus 712 East Bay Avenue, Manahawkin, NJ, United StatesFour-part Stockton Institute for Lifelong Learning (SILL) course on Wednesdays at Stockton University- Manahawkin. 712 East Bay Ave, Manahawkin NJ 08050 Join Pearl “Peppy” Margolis as she discusses Why the Holocaust?Topics covered in Part 1: Defining Terms about the Holocaust,Prewar Jewish Life in Germany, Nazi AntisemiticIdeology and Propaganda, Nuremburg Laws, andKristallnacht. This course will […]