The Business of Being an Artist

Calling All Artists! Register Now!

The New Jersey State Council on the Arts is pleased to share a multipart series of professional learning for artists called The Business of Being an Artist. This series of workshops is free and open to any artist, teaching artist, or folk artist who lives and/or works in the state of New Jersey. Join us for the fall session “Wellness for Artists

The Business of Being an Artist: Wellness for Artists | 11/7 at 2 PM

Event Registration

When you are thinking about the vitality of your artistic business, it can sometimes be easy to forget the importance of your business’ most valued asset: YOU! During this 60-minute webinar, we will learn about the pillars of health and wellness, while engaging with practical tips for managing stress and burnout. This webinar will provide a foundation of understanding one’s own wellbeing, while actively engaging participants in a mindfulness practice.

NOTE: A Zoom link and event materials will be sent to your email on or around November 1. Keep an eye out for an Arts Council Constant Contact with your access information.
