Plenty of support for Shopping Small this Season

The Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce is wrapping up their holiday shopping campaign with plenty of cheer.

As the holiday shopping season winds down, spirits are up with plenty of mindful shoppers supporting businesses in the LBI Region. The Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce wanted to make the most impact for local businesses and helped tracked some of the 2021 consumer habits with their Shop Small Win Big Holiday Pass sponsored by Manasquan Bank. The winner who was chosen from over 300 entries, was Donna Cooper who, by shopping locally and checking in, got to add $500 cash for holiday spending.

The Shop Small Win Big Holiday pass kicked off Shop Small Saturday November 27 and ran until mid day December 17. Shoppers were encouraged to register and check in to almost two dozen merchants representing a variety of goods and services. The customer geographic included five states that participated with New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland. All within driving distance that can support the shop local effort. The busiest shopping day of the season was Saturday with 1pm being the peak time for check ins. The top cities that visited both near and far included Holmes, NY, Monroe Township NJ , Emmaus PA, Baltimore MD, with cross state traffic from Southern Ocean County towns, to Millstone, Monroe Township, Fieldsboro, Trenton, Burlington, Cranbury, and Vernon Township. Additional runner up prizes were provided by Beasley Media and included a gift certificate and coupons.

The Shop Small Win Big Campaign was promoted online, in print, broadcast, in person interviews and on social, it was highlighted by other ongoing events and activities to draw people to come often for various reasons throughout the season. The significance of shopping small saw a resolution on a county level with Ocean County Board of Commissioners issuing a Shop Local, Shop Small countywide campaign citing the many challenges the pandemic has caused and integral role our small businesses play in the community. For more information on upcoming programs, events and activities, please go to Southern Ocean County Chamber website at or on social @LBIregion and @southernoceanchamber.
