NJ Resilient Environments (REAL) Discussed Jan 31

Join Southern Ocean Chamber for 111th Business Breakfast at LBI National Golf & Resort

The Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce proudly hosts their annual “State of The Chamber” breakfast at LBI National Golf & Resort, Little Egg Harbor on Friday January 31. The agenda includes a keynote from Mr. Charles Cunliffe, who will be presenting a discussion of the pending NJ Resilient Environments and Landscapes (REAL) land resource protection rules as well as the ongoing Update to State Development and Redevelopment Plan, and the potential impacts to Southern Ocean County. Charles has 11 years of experience in Public Works projects providing municipal engineering and planning services to numerous municipalities throughout New Jersey. As a Licensed Professional Engineer, Professional Planner and Certified Municipal Engineer in New Jersey, He has used his diverse skill set to help communities throughout Central and South Jersey address some of their most pressing infrastructure challenges, including projects to improve roadways, stormwater management systems, sanitary sewer and potable water systems, parks and recreation facilities as well as waterfront coastal resiliency. He is involved with development application reviews and serves as a Consulting Engineer for various municipalities, Planning, Zoning, or Land Use Boards in Monmouth and Ocean Counties including the Boroughs of Ocean Gate, Point Pleasant Beach, and Tuckerton as well as the Townships of Colts Neck, Howell, Jackson, Little Egg Harbor, Ocean (Waretown), Upper Freehold and Wall. Mr. Cunliffe’s holds current professional appointments in Monmouth and Ocean Counties. He is a graduate of Rowan University and is a Licensed Professional and Municipal Engineer in New Jersey. 

For those interested in better understanding the DEP rules, the chamber has been updating on their Coastal NJ Pressroom. 

The morning will feature full breakfast buffet with time to network for all attendees, the Board of Directors will open the meeting with the following agenda planned:

  • Ocean County Commissioner Jennifier Bacchione will offer update and remarks on county initiatives.
  • Introduction and acknowledgment of local mayors and newly elected officials 
  • Michele Morrison, RN, MPH, BSHA President and Chief Hospital Executive at Southern Ocean Medical Center HMH will provide an Update on SOMC Hospital Plans, outlining the latest developments and future initiatives.
  • Charles Cunliffe, PE Supervising Engineer of T&M Associates will discuss Coastal Resiliency and the implications of the new DEP Rulings.
  • Blaise Scibetta of Southern Ocean Consulting will present information on upcoming Job Fair and results of the chamber’s recent Strategic Plan.
  • A representative from LBI National will deliver a special message.

This event is an excellent opportunity for members to gain valuable insights, network with peers, and engage with local leaders. All businesses and community leaders are invited to register. Don’t miss out on this essential breakfast. Mark your calendar and secure your spot. Please register online here 

Date: Friday, January 31, 2025
Time: 8:30 AM 
Location: LBI National Golf & Resort, 99 Golf View Drive Little Egg Harbor 
Cost: $35 per person –  REGISTER HERE 

Sponsored by LBI National Golf & Resort

The mission of the Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce is to enrich the quality of life within our region. The Chamber has been serving the community for over 110 years, focusing on responsible growth, infrastructure development, and supporting local businesses. They also play a crucial role in coastal resiliency, economic research, and connecting businesses with customers, industry experts, and local leaders. Find out more by visiting online.
