Much appreciation to the management and staff of Fantasy Island for continuing the tradition of hosting
this beloved start of summer event!
Members of the Southern Ocean Chamber of Commerce welcomed summer with a night out for their families, co workers and colleagues at Fantasy Island Amusement Park in Beach Haven. Over 400 members attended the chamber’s “Get Acquainted” party which took place Friday, June 9 and were welcomed with unlimited rides, light refreshments, and arcade gameplay cards.
The Southern Ocean County Chamber, which was founded in 1914, has held a kick off event each summer
throughout the 109 year history. This complimentary evening was presented by Fantasy Island which
opened the park exclusively for members, their staff and families. The group experienced a beautiful June
evening, outstanding hospitality as well as seeing the many new park upgrades. Specialty snacks were
available for purchase along with popular park treats, games and prizes.
The Southern Ocean County Chamber Board of Directors, staff and members thank Fantasy Island
Management and crew for a wonderful night out for local businesses before the hectic summer season
begins. For more on Fantasy Island please visit them here!