Our chamber was established in 1914 to help foster economic development for the small businesses and resort areas within the Long Beach Island Region. As globally accredited Destination Marketing Organization, it uses its resources to showcase members and local tourism assets to help businesses get recognized on local, state, national and international levels. Opportunities come in many forms, and the region’s chamber looks for ways that small businesses can benefit from coordination done through their Ship Bottom office.
Good Morning America Producers from ABC network reached through DMO networks to film the popular morning show in New Jersey highlighting the summer shore season. Working with Southern Ocean County Chamber to identify ideas that offer a new spin on a summer vacation the production team selected Crusin Tikis LBI located at Dock A at the Boatyard in Manahawkin to take a spin around the bay and Show Place Ice Cream Parlor and Surflight Theatre in Beach Haven to provide some delicious entertainment. Our office contacted Mike Bishop of Crusin Tikis and Gail Anderson of Surflight to make arrangements for clips that were pre-recorded on July 17 and tentatively scheduled to air during a live segment on July 21 2021 from Asbury Park with pre recorded pieces screening around the 8:15 am mark and again from 8:30 – 9 am.
The organization works closely with the NJ Division of Travel & Tourism, as well as several media companies and promotion agencies to positively promote members not just in tourism and hospitality but professional services as well. Through programs such as the Southern Ocean Made Surf and Sip Brew Trail, Passport to LBI, Wedding Road Show, Fanfare , Eat Drink & Buy LBI region and ChowderMonth outreach they target audiences to help businesses connect with new customers or engage with current ones on new levels.